Creating a 'base' LXC container to build other containers from
Posted on Fri 04 August 2023 in LXC
بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In my previous post about Adding an LXC container with/to virt-manager (Virtual Machine Manager), I mentioned at the end of the article that creating a 'base' container is a good idea for making new containers that have a skeleton or template to build on top of.
This short guide will explain how to setup that base container with some packages to make it useable for software development for Python and JavaScript.
It is worth mentioning here that a good reason for using LXC containers for software development is to isolate all the packages (and the bloat it contains) into its own environment, thus keeping your PC relatively bloat-free.
Create the LXC container
Run this command in any terminal software (like Yakuake, Konsole, Xterm or GNOME Terminal):
sudo lxc-create --template download --name base
(interactive, so you choose the options step-by-step)
or this:
sudo lxc-create -n base -t download -- --dist ubuntu --release focal --arch amd64
A container called base
based on Ubuntu 22.04 should now exist.
Starting, Connecting and adding a user password
Start the container:
sudo lxc-start -n base
Connect to it:
sudo lxc-attach -n base
The terminal prompt should now say: root@base:/#
Set a root password by typing (and then following the prompts): passwd
Adding base packages
Update the base container:
apt update && apt upgrade
Add some packages to make the container functional:
apt install wget git ssh curl zip nano nodejs npm python3-pip postgresql libpq-dev
The decision on which base packages to add is based on the user.
Cloning 'base' for new project containers
To clone the base container for a new project, run this command at the host level (not within the base container):
sudo lxc-copy -n base -N new-project
where new-project
= the name of your new container.
Using Lapce IDE to connect to containers
One of the drawbacks of isolating software development projects in containers is the limited tooling it results in (no code auto-complete, etc.), but a few IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) support connecting to 'remote' development environments via SSH, including Lapce.
In my next article I will explain how to connect Lapce to a development container via SSH.
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